Posts tagged “Facebook ads”

Split testing, also referred to as A/B testing, is a controlled experiment used for improving metrics such as; clicks, conversions, or purchases. Split testing is an effective tool commonly used in digital marketing and product research that involves creating a new version of your web page, email, or ad with a small change to see what really makes a difference in driving more sales or traffic and how it impacts the overall results. If your business doesn’t split test before making final changes or other important decisions involving your marketing campaign, you’re relying on guesswork which is extremely ineffective. 
Facebook Ads reporting allows you to create, export, share, customise and measure the performance of every ad you create. Reporting Facebook ads is important for all businesses as it lets them know if the campaign is successful and if the goals were achieved. In addition, it’s important because you should be comparing your campaigns to draw conclusions and make strategic decisions for your business or client. 
Monitoring the performance of your ad campaigns while they are running is essential, so you can discover what’s working, what’s not working and learn how to make them better for your future campaigns. 
In this blog, we are going to cover how to efficiently track the performance and improve the results of any current and future campaigns. 
If you run Facebook Ads, there is a possibility that you could run into the trouble of having your account disabled. This can be a problem if you’ve invested in your Facebook Ads and they’re bringing you results. 
What are the potential reasons behind your account being disabled? 
Facebook has a strict policy when it comes to advertising on their platform, and one that you must familiarise yourself with when you’re creating your Facebook Ads account. The potential reasons behind your account being disabled could be... 
If you want to create a Facebook Ad for your business, then you must understand what works well and what doesn’t. As you must pay to advertise on Facebook, you don’t want to put an ad out there that returns no results, as this just means your wasting money that you could’ve instead invested into your business. You need to have a strategy though, as this will be important when it comes to creating Facebook Ads. 
You don’t need to be an expert in content creation or copy writing to create you Facebook ads, all you need is a couple of tips and some knowledge to get you started on your journey to creating successful Ads for Facebook that will give you the results you desire. 
When you’re in the process of creating your Facebook Ad, you want it to reach your target audience. For example, there is no use in creating an ad that reaches people who may not live in the area you operate from. Thankfully, Facebook has detailed options that allows you to reach your target audience, so that you’re not paying to advertise to people who don’t add any value to your business. 
If you’ve never targeted people using Facebook Ads before, don’t worry – this blog post will give all the important tips on how you can specifically target, and it be successful. 
If you want to engage with your target audience, you need to create content that makes them sit up and take notice. Attention grabbing content is the perfect way to do that, while also getting people talking about your products or services through useful information, tips, tricks, and tutorials. For content to be truly effective, it needs to serve your audience’s needs as well as your business goals. 
In this blog, we’ll explain how businesses can make their content attention grabbing to send their engagement rates through the roof… 
It’s not uncommon to see the ‘Rejected’ message appear next to your Facebook Ad. Usually, this means that you must edit something within your ad or change the target audience selections. 
Keep reading as we’ll guide you through the top reasons why your Facebook Ads get rejected. In addition, we’ll cover why ads don’t get approved and what you should do if they get rejected. 
Facebook has an extensive list of restricted content in its policies. For instance; ads that use Facebook brand assets, ads with poor positioning, like inaccurate product descriptions or irrelevant images etc. Restricted content is allowed but must follow certain rules and is often based on your location. Whereas, prohibited content for example; drug-related ads, misinformation, or sensational content is never allowed on Facebook. If your ad breaks any of the rules, it runs the risk of being rejected or severely under-served. 
If you run a business and have a presence on Facebook, it’s likely that you’ve seen or thought of ways that would be best to market your business on there. If, however, you’ve tried and it hasn’t worked out for you, it probably makes you believe that Facebook Marketing simply doesn’t work for your business, and that it’s pointless trying to use your own money to run ad campaigns, or post engaging content to attract clients. 
Whilst that idea is understandable, Facebook marketing is a viable option for all businesses looking to expand their presence on social media. It takes time, but once you’ve found a way to get results, you won’t look back. 
Many businesses have seen results from Facebook Marketing that they likely wouldn’t have received had they not decided to promote on social media.  
So, your running social media pages for your business, but you’re looking to get them to become an efficient and vital part of your marketing strategy in the next year. But how do you do that? Whether you’re new to social media marketing or you’ve been doing it for years, results can be achieved if you follow these tips and apply them to your social media strategy over 2022. 
With more and more content being created, along with the ever-expanding elements being added to all social media platforms, attention spans are becoming shorter. A long form, text ad is not longer something that will grab most of the user’s attention and will most likely be scrolled past and ignored. Facebook Ads need to be eye catching and are a cost-effective way to market your business on social media. You can even create a ‘lookalike’ audience if you run Ads on FB, so you’ll be targeting similar people, giving you the chance to expand your audience beyond your targeting.  
If you own a business, it’s often expected that you have at least one form of social media. Whether it’s on a site specifically tailored to the more professional side of things such as LinkedIn, or one that is used mainly for interaction, connection and personal updates like Facebook, your business should have an online presence. However many business owners start their social media pages and see no immediate response, or find that they don’t have the time to run their page along with their business, which makes them believe that social media doesn’t work for them. However, it can and will work if you do it right, and one of the best options available to you is outsourcing. 
Outsourcing is the process of handing your businesses social media accounts to a company that is trained with the expertise to successfully manage each of your pages. Following tips from online ‘gurus’ and using companies that haven’t proven that they themselves know how they can help you is not likely to give you success. Instead go for a company who has tried and tested different methods themselves and found the solution to increasing engagement and growth and social media, so they can help you make positive progress online. 
Facebook has over 2.7 billion active users, so advertising your business through Facebook is a great way for you to advertise to new audiences and grow your business page. By advertising through Facebook, you can really target the people you want to attract to your business and find potential new clients. Here are a few benefits of using Facebook Ads to improve your growth and visibility on social media. 
As already mentioned, Facebook Ads allow you to really target your Ads towards the audience you want to see it. Micro-targeting your audience will mean you can draw in new customers who fit the demographic your business is aimed towards. You can target on such areas such as gender, age, location, interests, recent purchases and life events (such as a wedding, having a baby etc). Precise target audiences mean you can refine your audience and make sure you’re advertising to the people most likely to interact with your business, improving your growth. Facebook Ads are great for this, as other sites such as Google don’t offer such detailed demographic targeting. Unlike more traditional forms of advertising, you aren’t just advertising to everyone – you can pick your audience and target your brand to really appeal to them. 
Copywriting is one of the most critical elements of any and all forms of marketing and advertising.  
Copywriting consists of the words, either written or spoken, marketers use to try to get people to take an action after reading or hearing them. Copywriting is re-arranging words to make things sell better. It’s salesmanship in text form. If you want more traffic, more leads and more sales then you need to copywrite. 
It's easy to recognise good copywriting when you see it, but there are actually several characteristics that really separate outstanding writing from the rest of the pack. Want to know them? Read on below to find out. 
AIDA Copywriting Formula 
Everyone’s goal from a social media post or blog post is for someone to take some sort of action. That could be to buy a product, download a freebie, etc. 
To get someone to take the action you need to take them through the 4 components of AIDA. AIDA stands for: 
A – Attention: Use techniques to grab their attention e.g. an attention-grabbing headline. That’s the first thing you have to do with your copy. 
I – Interest: Now that you have their attention use techniques to cause them to become interested and keep on reading. 
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